Interview of Giani Balraj Singh Ji following the end of month programme on 24th June 2018 at Sri Nabh Kanwal Raja Sahib Ji Gurdwara, Nottingham.
Interview of Giani Sukhdev Singh Ji following the end of month programme on 27th May 2018 at Sri Nabh Kanwal Raja Sahib Ji Gurdwara, Nottingham.
Please join the Barsi Programme of Sri Awdhutt Sahib Ji from 26th - 28th January 2018. Further details to be released in due course on our website and Google Plus page.
Final part of the Kirtan and Raja Sahib Ji Katha by Gianni Balwant Singh Ji. Taken on the Barsi of Raja Sahib Ji, September 2015.
Part 2 of the Kirtan and Raja Sahib Ji Katha by Gianni Balwant Singh Ji. Taken on the Barsi of Raja Sahib Ji, September 2015.
Kirtan and Raja Sahib Ji Katha by Gianni Balwant Singh Ji. Taken on the Barsi of Raja Sahib Ji, September 2015.